Is Your Washington State Employer or Other Washington Company Cheating the Government?

Our Washington Whistleblower Lawyers Help Report Health Care Fraud, Securities Fraud and Defense Contractor Fraud and Maximize Your Cash Award

Tim Granitz and the Katers & Granitz Washington whistleblower lawyers represent Washington healthcare professionals, defense contractor personnel, finance professionals and IT techs who choose to report fraud against U.S. government-funded programs.

Katers & Granitz has helped the government recover billions of dollars and obtained a whistleblower cash award of $170 million in the largest U.S. whistleblower settlement on record - $16.65 billion.

We can represent Washington whistleblowers in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Bellevue, Kent, Everett, Renton, Federal Way, Yakima and across the state.

If you suspect your Washington employer is committing fraud against a government-funded program, Call Katers & Granitz now: 800.669.7782 or Report Online for a confidential, no-cost consultation.

Government Pays Large Cash Awards for Inside Information on Fraud

Washington company executives and employees have unique access to corporate misconduct. Federal and Washington False Claims Acts and the SEC Whistleblower Program grant large cash incentives to whistleblowers – those who report original, non-public information on fraud against the U.S. government.

We can represent Washington whistleblowers with information on:

  • Defense Contractor Violations
  • Medicare or Washington Medicaid Fraud
  • Securities (SEC) Violations

The U.S. government awards Washington whistleblowers between 10% and 30% of the total government recovery when their original information helps recover funds through settlement or verdict. These well-deserved cash awards often range in the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

To learn whether your information qualifies you for a cash whistleblower award in a free, fully-confidential case evaluation, Call Katers & Granitz Now: 800.669.7782 or Report Online.

Report Washington Defense Contractor Fraud and Claim Your Cash Award

More than 20 thousand defense contracts worth over $9.5 billion dollars were awarded in 2016 to Washington companies including:

  • The Boeing Company
  • Insitu, Inc.
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Fluor Federal Services, Inc.
  • Philips Medical Systems North America Inc.
  • PacMed Clinics
  • University of Washington
  • Manson Construction Co.
  • Skookum Educational Programs
  • Esterline Technologies Corp

Washington State cybersecurity professionals, research scientists, mechanical engineers, IT techs and other defense contractor personnel who submit false claims for payment to the federal government violate the federal False Claims Act.

Several actions by Washington defense contractors may violate the federal False Claims Act, including:

  • Overbilling for labor or equipment costs
  • Misrepresentation in contract bidding
  • Using substandard or refurbished materials
  • Cross charging (fixed-price to cost-plus contracts)
  • Failing to report cybersecurity breaches or violations
  • Misrepresenting foreign supplies as American-made
  • Violating the Truth in Negotiation Act (TINA)

Washington defense contractor whistleblower’s lawyers and national lead whistleblower lawyer Tim Granitz and the Katers & Granitz legal team work to protect your rights as a Washington whistleblower and maximize your cash award. Call Katers & Granitz Now: 800.669.7782 or Report Online.

Cash Whistleblower Awards for Reporting Washington Healthcare Fraud

Washington Medicaid and Medicare programs depend on physician assistants, pharmacists, dentists, surgeon's assistants, advanced practice registered nurses, chiropractors, emergency medical technicians, occupational therapists, medical prosthetic technicians and other health care professionals to report False Claims Act violations.

Common examples of Medicare and Washington Medicaid fraud include:

  • Upcoding
  • Overbilling for Medicare beneficiaries
  • Unbundling
  • Billing for nonexistent services or products
  • Off-label marketing
  • Certification and licensure misrepresentation
  • Forging medical records or misrepresenting medical documents
  • Offering kickbacks for patient referrals
  • Billing for medically unnecessary medications or treatments

Our Katers & Granitz whistleblower attorneys have decades of experience in maximizing whistleblower cash awards in both federal and state court. We can represent clients working with healthcare facilities across the state of Washington, including Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children's Hospital, Swedish Medical Center - First Hill Campus, Providence Regional Medical Center Everett - Colby Campus, University of Washington Medical Center and Harborview Medical Center.

If you have inside information on Medicare or Washington Medicaid fraud, contact the Katers & Granitz Team for a no-fee absolutely confidential consultation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online

We Maximize Cash Awards for Washington Securities Fraud Whistleblowers

The Dodd-Frank Act and SEC Whistleblower Program offer Washington whistleblowers large cash awards for original source knowledge of securities violations. Our clients might include Washington investors, purchasing agents, financial advisors, securities executives, accountants, broker-dealer compliance officers and public company insiders with information on U.S. securities fraud.

Common examples of U.S. securities violations include:

  • Embezzlement
  • Unauthorized trading
  • Market manipulation
  • Account churning
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Insider trading
  • Bribery
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Market manipulation
  • Unsuitable investment recommendations

Washington finance professionals with inside knowledge of SEC securities violations can report their knowledge anonymously and maximize their cash whistleblower awards by contacting the Katers & Granitz Washington SEC whistleblower team.

We represent clients working in firms across the state of Washington, including National Securities Corporation, Cosse’ International Securities, Interpacific Investors Services, Russell Financial Services and Symetra Securities.

Call today for a no-obligation absolutely confidential consultation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online

Remember! Time Limits Apply to Filing a Washington Whistleblower Claim

Statutes of limitations and first-to-file bars limit the time a Washington whistleblower has to file a claim. To ensure that your claim follows all required policies and procedures, contact a Katers & Granitz Washington whistleblower lawyer. Our unique filing process can maximize your whistleblower cash award.

Call Tim Granitz and the Katers & Granitz Washington State whistleblower lawyer team for a private, no-fee consultation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online