Is Your Texas Employer or Other Texas Company Cheating the Government?

Is Your Texas Employer or Other Texas Company Cheating the Government?

Our Texas Whistleblower Lawyers You Report Defense Contractor Fraud, Health Care Fraud and Securities Fraud and Maximize Your Cash Award

texas whistleblowers Texas Whistleblowers - Learn How to Collect Cash Rewards

As experienced U.S. False Claims Act attorneys, the Katers & Granitz Texas whistleblower lawyers help individuals with inside information about fraud against the government to file claims for cash whistleblower awards.

Tim Granitz, a leading U.S. whistleblower lawyer with multiple billion dollar False Claims Act cases and multi-million-dollar whistleblower awards under his belt, works with his Texas lawyers to help potential whistleblowers understand the claims process, their legal options and cash reward eligibility.

Katers & Granitz represents Texas whistleblowers through Texas licensed lawyers including people reporting fraud from across the state, including Harris, Dallas, Tarrant, Bexar, Travis, Collin, Hidalgo, El Paso, Denton and Fort Bend counties.

If you have inside information about fraud against a government-funded program like Medicaid, Medicare, Defense Contracts… Call Katers & Granitz Now: 800.669.7782 or Report Online for a confidential, no-cost consultation.

Texas Whistleblowers Could Be Entitled to a Large Cash Reward

Whether you are a Texas investor, banker, engineer, mechanic, clerk, sales representative, pharmacist, EMT, physician, executive or other employee, you may be entitled to a large cash reward if you have inside information about fraud involving government-funded programs.

Federal and state False Claims Acts pay cash incentives to the first person who reports this “original source" information. Fraud comes in many shapes and forms including:

  • Defense Contractor Misconduct
  • Medicare or Texas Medicaid Fraud
  • Government Procurement Fraud
  • Securities (SEC) Violations
  • Fraud against Federally Insured Banks
  • Tax Fraud

Whistleblower law provides for cash rewards of up to 30% of the total money the government recovers as a means of encouraging insiders to come forward with information about government defense contract overbilling, Texas Medicaid or Medicare fraud, securities fraud or other wrongdoing that results in financial loss to government agencies.

To learn whether your information qualifies you for a cash whistleblower award in a free, fully-confidential case evaluation, Call Katers & Granitz Now: 800.669.7782 or Report Online.

Report Texas Defense Contractor Fraud And Claim Your Cash Award

In 2019, the federal government spent $4.45 trillion dollars, $686 billion was spent on defense. Billions of dollars of that money went to contractors and vendors in Texas. Just in defense contracts alone, the U.S. government awarded more than 32,ooo defense contracts worth over $30 billion dollars to Texas companies including:

  • AC First, LLC
  • Dell Marketing LP
  • Delek Refining, Ltd.
  • Bell Boeing Joint Projects
  • Petromax, LLC
  • Guyco, Inc.
  • L-3 Communications Corp.
  • Kalmar RT Center LLC
  • Alon USA, LP
  • Environmental Express Services, Inc

Tens of billions more in contract dollars went to out-of-state vendors with substantial presence or facilities in Texas.

Under the federal False Claims Act, defense contractors like these are prohibited from submitting false claims for payment to the federal government. Texas defense contractor misconduct that violates the federal False Claims Act includes:

  • Procurement fraud (cross charging fixed-price to cost-plus)
  • Truth in Negotiation Act (TINA) violations
  • Cybersecurity violations
  • Improper product or materials substitution
  • Shifting costs from other contracts to U.S. defense contracts
  • Buy American Violations
  • Overbilling for labor, materials or equipment costs
  • Quality assurance or testing violations (substandard products and services)

Texas defense contractor fraud recovery lawyer Tim Granitz and the the Katers & Granitz Texas team’s experience ensures you file the best claim possible, while Katers & Granitz’s contacts, authority and reputation (largest settlement in history) help your claim stand out amongst the masses received by the Department of Justice each year. (Plus Tim Granitz is a resident of the Lone Star State!)

To see if you qualify for a cash whistleblower reward, contact Katers & Granitz now: 800.669.7782 or Report Online.

Cash Whistleblower Awards For Reporting Texas Healthcare Fraud

Health care professionals have an ethical duty to protect valuable taxpayer dollars and report cases of Medicare or Texas Medicaid fraud. Government health care programs rely on physicians, billing clerks, pharmacists, EMT’s, nurses, sales representatives and other health care workers to bring False Claims Act violations to light.

Common examples of Medicare and Texas Medicaid fraud include:

  • Inflating costs or misrepresenting costs as reimbursable
  • Knowingly providing defective services or products
  • Billing for services or testing not performed
  • Billing for unnecessary services
  • Double billing for a service only performed once.
  • Billing related services separately to collect a higher reimbursement rate
  • Billing for brand name prescriptions when supplying generics
  • Marketing drugs or devices for uses not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Making or accepting payments for referrals (kickbacks)
  • Altering treatment or diagnosis codes to increase reimbursements

As noted above, in Texas, whistleblowers can receive rewards for reporting both Medicare and Medicaid fraud. That is because in 1995, Texas passed  its own version of the False Claims Act called the Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act. The Texas law  is specifically geared toward combatting fraud against the Texas Medicaid Program.

The Texas Medicaid Program provides contains a whistleblower reward provision that allows private individuals with inside knowledge about fraud against the Texas Medicaid Program to bring an action on behalf of the state.

Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act

Although the federal FCA and the state Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act are similar, there are some differences. For example, the Texas law provides for enhanced fines and penalties for illegal actions that result in injuries to elderly, disabled, or minors.

Claims under the Texas Medicaid fraud law are also a bit easier to prove because the whistleblower does not have to show the filing of an actual claim for payment with Medicaid. Often our whistleblower clients are healthcare professionals working directly with patients. They know illegal behavior when they see it but sometimes lack the proof that a bill or invoice was sent to Medicaid for payment. Medicare fraud claims require such proof but Texas Medicaid fraud claims only need to show the illegal behavior.

Tim Granitz and the Katers & Granitz Texas health care whistleblower lawyers represent clients working with healthcare facilities across the state of Texas, including Houston Methodist Hospital, Baylor University Medical Center, St. Lukes Episcopal Hospital, Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center and UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

If you have inside information on Medicare or Texas Medicaid fraud, contact the Katers & Granitz Team for a no-fee absolutely confidential consultation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online

Maximize Your Texas Securities Fraud Whistleblower Cash Award

Do you suspect your Texas broker-dealer, accountant, investment firm, advisor or any public company of securities fraud or commodities violations? The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) whistleblower program offers cash awards to those who report cases of fraud that result in losses of $1 million or more.

Common examples of Texas securities fraud reported to the SEC include:

  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Accounting fraud
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Bribery
  • Market manipulation
  • Embezzlement
  • Mutual fund fraud
  • Insider trading

The SEC's Whistleblower Program also covers violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. What does this have to do with Texas whistleblowers? Plenty!

Some of the largest whistleblower cases have involved oil and gas companies paying bribes to foreign officials in exchange for drilling rights or permits. If you have knowledge of these payments, you may be eligible for a reward.

Call today for a no-obligation absolutely confidential consultation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online

Texas Bank Fraud Whistleblowers

The 1980's represented one of the biggest banking scandals in U.S. history. Nearly one third of the Savings & Loan banks in the United States collapsed between 1986 and 1995, more than 1000 failed by 1989. That was the year Congress passed FIRREA, the Financial Institutions Recovery, Reform and Enforcement Act.

Sadly, over half of the banks that collapsed were in Texas. Back then, fraud was rampant within the Texas banking community. FIRREA stopped that and today pays cash rewards of up to $1.6 million for inside information about banking fraud.

To learn more, visit our FIRREA bank whistleblower page or contact us directly.

Why Become a Texas Whistleblower?

There is something special about living and working in the Lone Star State. Something that outsiders don't fully appreciate. We love our state and want to make it a better place to live and raise our families. We care.

Whistleblower rewards are great and the brave people who step up should be compensated. But it's more than the money. Whistleblower help keep taxes down, they take a stand against greed and corruption and often they help save lives. It's true, many of our whistleblowers are healthcare professionals who are sick and tired of sleazy clinics that charge taxpayers top dollar but deliver substandard healthcare. Defense contractors using recycled parts on our fighter jets or providing body armor that can't stop bullets.

More than anywhere else in America, our whistleblowers care about Texas and this great country. It's why our whistleblower lawyers come to work every day.

Don’t Wait To Call! Strict Time Limits Apply To Whistleblower Claims

Whistleblower claims must be filed within applicable statutes of limitations. Only the first whistleblower to report fraud is eligible to collect a cash award.

With three decades of experience as a prosecutor, government regulator, street cop and successful whistleblower lawyer, Tim Granitz and the Katers & Granitz team will protect your privacy and rights and maximize your cash award.  Call Tim Granitz and the Katers & Granitz whistleblower fraud recovery team for a private, no-fee consultation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online

Tim Granitz is a proud resident of Texas Hill Country. He and his firm have helped clients in over 37 states.