Is Your South Carolina Employer or Other South Carolina Company Cheating the Government?

Our South Carolina Whistleblower Lawyers Help You Report False Claims Act Violations and Securities Fraud. We Maximize Your Cash Award

Tim Granitz and the Katers & Granitz associated South Carolina whistleblower lawyers represent public company insiders, healthcare professionals and defense contractor personnel who have information on the misuse of U.S. government dollars. Katers & Granitz has helped whistleblowers and law enforcement recover billions of dollars and earned whistleblowers millions in cash awards – including a recent whistleblower cash award of more than $100 million (two whistleblowers shared).

We represent South Carolina whistleblowers in Columbia, Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Rock Hill, Greenville, Summerville, Sumter, Hilton Head Island, Florence, Spartanburg and across the state.

If you suspect your South Carolina employer or other South Carolina company is defrauding the government, call Katers & Granitz now for a confidential, no-cost consultation: 800.669.7782 or Connect with us Online

Government Pays Large Cash Awards for Original Information on Fraud

Both the Federal False Claims Act and SEC Whistleblower Program grant large cash awards to whistleblowers who report original, non-public information on fraud against the U.S. government. When your whistleblower claim leads to government recovery of funds, you can collect up to 30% of the total government recovery amount.

At Katers & Granitz, we help South Carolina citizens and whistleblowers across the U.S. maximize their cash award amounts while working diligently to protect their rights and careers. Large cash awards are available for South Carolina whistleblowers with information on:

  • Defense contractor military contract violations
  • Medicare fraud
  • South Carolina Medicaid fraud
  • Securities violations

These well-deserved whistleblower awards often equal hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. Learn whether your information qualifies you for a cash whistleblower award in a free, fully-confidential case evaluation. Call Katers & Granitz Now: 800.669.7782 or Report Online

Report South Carolina Defense Contractor Fraud and Claim Your Cash Award

In 2016, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded 5,206 defense contracts worth over $1.96 billion dollars to South Carolina companies including the following SC firms:

  • Fluor Intercontinental Incorporated
  • Mercom Corporation
  • Sopacko Inc.
  • Detyens Shipyards Inc.
  • Technica LLC
  • ISHPI Information Technologies Inc.
  • Life Cycle Engineering Inc.
  • Agfa Healthcare Corporation
  • Keenan Fort Detrick Energy LLC
  • Marinex Construction Inc.

South Carolina defense contractors who submit false claims for payment to the federal government violate the federal False Claims Act. South Carolina IT professionals, research scientists, shipyard mechanics, port engineers and all others with information on defense contractor fraud are eligible to file a whistleblower claim.

Several types of defense contractor misconduct violate the False Claims Act, including:

  • Cross-charging fixed-price to cost-plus contracts
  • Misrepresenting foreign products as American-made
  • Truth in Negotiation Act (TINA) violations
  • Fraudulent contract bidding
  • Overcharging for equipment or labor costs
  • Billing for used or substandard materials
  • Cybersecurity violations or unreported breaches

In addition to offering cash awards, the False Claims Act offers protections against employer retaliation. Noted national whistleblower lawyer Tim Granitz and the Katers & Granitz team work with local South Carolina law firms to protect your career and rights as a whistleblower, while maximizing your cash award. Call Katers & Granitz Now: 800.669.7782 or Connect with us Online

Cash Whistleblower Awards for Reporting South Carolina Healthcare Fraud

South Carolina healthcare facilities like Greenville Memorial Hospital, Medical University of South Carolina, Palmetto Health Richland, Spartanburg Medical Center and McLeod Regional Medical Center must spend South Carolina Medicaid and Medicare dollars properly. The False Claims Act offers large cash awards to doctors, physician assistants, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, emergency medical technicians, occupational therapists and others who report Medicare or South Carolina Medicaid fraud.

Common examples of Medicare and South Carolina Medicaid fraud include:

  • Off-label marketing
  • Offering kickbacks for patient referrals
  • Upcoding
  • Unbundling
  • Billing for services or products never provided
  • Billing for medically unnecessary treatments
  • Forging or falsifying medical records
  • Certification and licensure violations

Our Katers & Granitz whistleblower attorneys have cumulatively three decades of experience earning whistleblower cash awards for our clients in both federal and state court.

If you suspect a healthcare facility or practitioner of Medicare or South Carolina Medicaid fraud, we can help you craft a solid claim. Contact the Katers & Granitz Team for a free and private case evaluation: 800.669.7782 or Connect with us Online

South Carolina Securities Fraud Whistleblowers Win SEC Cash Awards

Publicly traded South Carolina companies like Denny's Corporation, SCANA Corporation, ScanSource Inc., Sonoco Products Corporation, KEMET Corporation and 3D Systems must abide by U.S. securities laws. To keep things in check, the Dodd-Frank Act and SEC Whistleblower Program offer South Carolina whistleblowers large cash awards for information on securities violations.

At Katers & Granitz, we work with our local counsel to help South Carolina company executives, accountants, compliance officers, investors and public company insiders report information on U.S. securities fraud and earn their cash award. Common examples of U.S. securities violations include:

  • Embezzlement
  • Front running
  • Bribery
  • Accounting fraud
  • Ponzi schemes
  • FCPA violations
  • Insider trading
  • Unregistered securities offerings
  • Abuse of investor funds
  • Internal controls deficiencies
  • Market manipulation

Katers & Granitz associated South Carolina whistleblower lawyers work hard to protect the privacy of South Carolina SEC whistleblowers.

If you suspect a publicly traded South Carolina company of securities fraud, speak with Tim Granitz or a Katers & Granitz whistleblower attorney today to learn how to begin the process and collect your cash award. 800.669.7782 or Connect with us Online

Remember! Time Limits Apply to Filing South Carolina Whistleblower Claims

Statutes of limitations and first-to-file bars mean whistleblowers have a limited time to file a claim. Make sure your claim follows all legal policies and procedures. Katers & Granitz has the investigative resources and legal experience to strengthen your whistleblower claim and maximize your cash award.

Contact a Katers & Granitz associated South Carolina whistleblower lawyer today and learn how our unique filing process can work for you. Our initial consultation is free and confidential. 800.669.7782 or Take the First Step Online