Is Your Georgia Employer or Other Georgia Company Stealing Government Funds?

Our Georgia Whistleblower Lawyers Help Report Health Care Fraud, Defense Contractor Fraud and Securities Fraud. We Maximize Your Cash Award

For over three decades, Tim Granitz and the local Katers & Granitz Georgia whistleblower lawyers have helped health care professionals, defense contractor employees, finance experts and IT professionals report fraud against government programs and collect their cash awards.

Under the False Claims Act and SEC whistleblower programs, our clients earn multi-million-dollar cash whistleblower awards by helping the government recover billions in stolen funds.

Our clients can include Georgia whistleblowers in Atlanta, Columbus, Augusta – Richmond County, Macon – Bibb County, Savannah, Athens - Clarke County, Sandy Springs, Roswell, Johns Creek and across the state.

If you have inside information about fraud against a government-funded program, call the Katers & Granitz Georgia whistleblower lawyers now for a confidential, no-cost consultation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online

Millions in Cash Whistleblower Awards for Information on Fraud

Georgia company executives and employees have unique access to the inner workings of their companies.

Federal and Georgia State False Claims Acts and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) whistleblower program pay large cash awards to individuals who report original, non-public information on fraud against the government.

We help Georgia whistleblowers earn cash awards for reporting:

  • Department of Defense Contractor Fraud
  • Medicare or Georgia Medicaid Fraud
  • Securities Fraud

When a whistleblower’s information leads to a successful verdict or settlement, that whistleblower receives between 10% and 30% of the total government recovery amount. Many whistleblower awards easily surpass $1,000,000.

To learn how much your information could bring in a cash whistleblower award, call the Katers & Granitz Georgia whistleblower lawyers now for a free, fully-confidential case evaluation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online.

Report Georgia Defense Contractor Fraud and Claim Your Cash Award

In 2015, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded 16,570 contracts worth over $2.5 billion dollars to Georgia companies like:

  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • Georgia Tech Research Corporation
  • Scientific Research Corporation
  • Amec Foster Wheeler Programs Inc.
  • Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
  • International Auto Logistics LLC
  • United Parcel Service Inc.
  • Northrop Grumman Systems Inc.
  • AT&T Mobility LLC
  • Engineering Design Technologies Inc.

Georgia defense contractors who submit false claims for payment to the federal government violate Georgia State and Federal False Claims Acts. Our clients earn cash awards for reporting all types of defense contractor misconduct, including:

  • Cybersecurity violations
  • Truth in Negotiation Act (TINA) violations
  • Buy American Violations
  • Cross charging fixed-price to cost-plus defense contracts
  • Billing for damaged, refurbished or used materials
  • Falsifying labor or materials costs

Georgia defense contractor fraud whistleblower lawyer Tim Granitz and the local Katers & Granitz team work to protect the rights of Georgia engineers, mechanics, IT techs and other defense contractor personnel with information on fraud.

To learn whether your information on defense contractor fraud qualifies you for a cash award, call the Katers & Granitz Georgia whistleblower lawyers today: 800.669.7782 or Report Online.

Millions in Cash Awards Available to Georgia Health Care Whistleblowers

Fraud against government-funded health care programs results in poor patient care and increased health care costs for all Georgia residents. Georgia Medicaid and Medicare programs rely on honest Georgia pharmacists, nurses, EMT’s physicians, sales reps and billing clerks to report suspected health care fraud.

Our Georgia healthcare whistleblower clients can earn cash awards for reporting:

  • Illegal kickbacks
  • Unbundling charges
  • Upcoding
  • Off-label marketing
  • Medically unnecessary treatment
  • Substandard care
  • Falsifying medical records

Our Katers & Granitz Georgia healthcare whistleblower attorneys will represent whistleblowers in federal and state court and maximize their well-earned cash rewards. We represent clients working with healthcare facilities across the state of Georgia, which might include Grady Memorial Hospital, Medical Center of Central Georgia, Emory University Hospital, Northeast Georgia Medical Center and West Georgia Medical Center.

If you have inside information on Medicare or Georgia Medicaid fraud, contact the Katers & Granitz team for a free and private case evaluation. 800.669.7782 or Report Online

We Maximize Cash Awards for Georgia Securities Fraud Whistleblowers

The SEC whistleblower program has awarded securities whistleblowers over $100 million in the last seven years alone. Georgia finance experts, brokers, bankers, investors, accountants and others who have original, non-public information on securities violations can file an SEC whistleblower claim and earn a large cash award.

Our Georgia securities whistleblower clients earn cash awards for reporting:

  • Finance misrepresentation
  • Mutual fund fraud
  • Insider trading
  • Embezzlement
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Bribery
  • Front running
  • Breach of fiduciary duty

Do you have knowledge of an SEC securities violation?

Our Katers & Granitz SEC whistleblower lawyers can help you confidentially report securities fraud and claim your cash reward. We can represent clients working in firms across the state of Georgia, including FSC Securities Corporation, Synovus Securities Inc., Triad Advisors Inc., The Strategic Financial Alliance and Woodstock Financial Group Inc. Call the Katers & Granitz Georgia whistleblower lawyers today for a free, no-obligation, fully confidential consultation: 800.669.7782 or Report Online

Act Fast! Time Limits Apply to Filing a Whistleblower Claim

Federal and Georgia whistleblower laws include statutes of limitations that limit the amount of time you have to file a claim. In addition, first-to-file bars mean only the first to file a claim is eligible for the cash award. Our Katers & Granitz Georgia whistleblower lawyers can explain the whistleblower claims process and answer your questions in a private, free case consultation.

Call to learn more today at 800.669.7782 or Report Online